I woke up this morning and for some strange reason, I thought I'd watch the news. I used to do this every morning but well, it got boring. I mean there was a time when breaking news was really exciting, now breaking news is how much money Tesco made this year. Seriously? Anyway that is not my reason for blogging today, maybe I'll get to that one next time. The reason for my blogging today (when I should be getting ready for school) is what you will find when you follow this link. Yup, I finally saw the little link icon that lets me do that!
You ask what is it that I will find at the end of this link Chenai? And I will surely tell you! What you will find is a mistake, a mistake that I hope is made by Sky News itself because if not, then we should all be very afraid. I used to wonder why people in the west want to stay young forever while some of us can't wait for when we get to boss everyone around. I have now seen it as clear as day. "Elderly people are being given medication...by mistake!" MISTAKE!!! The report states "A combination of overworked staff, poor teamwork and lack of training all lead to mistakes with prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicene". How in the world is that an excuse! If you're tired, why give the poor person any medication at all! And "lack of training" is the scariest one of all these. How do you hire someone who isn't trained? How do they even get an interview? How do they even get onto the premises??? If this is what awaits me when I'm sixty, I think I'll pass. In fact you'll never know it because I will lie about my age, spend millions on botox, work till I'm eighty, ANYTHING but go there. Funny how this picture (below), which is supposed to be comforting, suddenly looks quite menacing...

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